
Tax-deductible donations are gratefully accepted. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit but we do not yet have a donation platform. We’re working on it; in the meanwhile, feel free to contact us for more information or to make a donation.

As a nonprofit, all of our financial information is available for anyone to see.

This is a super simple report.

That lady, the one that did the work to bring YILy into existence, she put in $500 bucks. From those funds has come impactful outreach to seven individuals, a sweet website and logo, and 501(c)(3) filling status.

(Are you impressed that we were able to do all of that for less than $500? Yep, us too.)

Since that lady does all the administrative work for the joy of it, 100% of donations go to outreach and operating expenses.

Image courtesy of Urirena Taadrienn.